Support QuestionsCategory: Terms Popup On User LoginNew license key not activating correctly
anita Grindlay asked 1 year ago
I have recently purchased a new licence key for the ‘Terms pop up on user login’ plugin. However when I insert the new licence key code it appears to be in a new ending loop saying, “Script Running. Please wait…” but never actually updates.
I had my development colleague look at it and below is the information he was able to provide:
It appears there is an error being thrown in the activation process.
Uncaught Exception: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate(see for
Also annoyingly, the error handling of this particular error licence key screen also throws it’s own error, and this is why you don’t get any feedback.
Based on that error above, it does look like an issue with the plugin author’s website, where the activation process isn’t happy with the certificate details for the website, and as a result that error above is returned.  Updating to the latest version of the plugin has not resolved the issue.  
Can you please assist?

2 Answers
Lehel Matyus answered 1 year ago
Hi Anita,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
I have reached out to you by email to get a few details about the certificates your site uses for https.
In the mean time, i am issuing an update today, that should fix the activation problem. I will notify you once the update is released.

Lehel Matyus answered 1 year ago
Just wanted to let you know I have rolled out an update for the plugin. Version 1.0.41 which should address the issue you are facing.
Please reach out at
and let me know if the latest update fixed the activation issue for your website.
As always, be sure to backup the website and try out the new version on a testing environment first,
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!