And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche
Latest posts - Page 16
Pixel perfect image borders using CSS
Images that sit against a white or very light background sometimes need CSS borders around them. Usually a flat border color works fine however…
WordPress Login Security Plugins for Beginners
Here are 3 easy to add plugins that you should consider adding to your website in order to make it more secure.
You were born free and you will die free!
You were born free and you will die free and there is no one on the face of the Earth or in the Heavens…
Free Icons for Android apps
Here is an icon set for android that you will love.
Attract miracles in your life
Here is a guide how to attract Miracles in your life. Truly a great audio book from Stuart Wilde.
URL not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\temp\android (Access is denied)
URL not found: C:Program Files (x86) Android \android-studio\sdk\tempandroid (Access is denied) If you ever encounter this problem when trying to update / install SDKs from…
Nothing external has any power over you
Nothing external to you has any power over you. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Drupal remove date module description, unset bootstraps data-original-title attribute
In one of the projects I worked on recently, we had to use the Drupal date module to display the date field in a…
Javascript detect touch device Snippet
Probably the most reliable way to detect a touch device would be using the Modernizr jQuery plugin, but in some cases you might not…