Self-talk and why it matters, a very interesting lecture by Neville Goddard. The only price you pay for success is giving up the negative…
Latest posts - Page 14
What if Pinocchio said “my nose will now grow”?
Hi Lehel, Just found out about this cool questions section on your blog. Maybe you have an answer to the question above. Will life…
100 Skills Every Man Should Know
Just because you are a developer does not mean you no longer need manly skills, on the contrary! As the article points out “The…
Github is for everyone not just for developers, github explained in simple terms
Version control is a great way to keep track of what changed in your documents while working together with other people. It can be…
The FogBugz Android App, meet FogVault
When it comes to issue and bug tracking nothing compares to the FogBugz system. Period. I have been using it for over 3 years…
Material design Icon set
Here is the Material Design icon set for android from Google. Material Design Icon set from Google
WordPress local installation Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server
My WordPress local development installation was throwing the “Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server” error.
OpenGLRenderer Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture
Problem: Large image was placed in drawable folder, android assumes it as mdpi then tries to create xhdpi version for it. It just becomes…
Android detect screen orientation change when activity screen orientation is locked
I had to detect screen orientation changes, but my activity in the manifest file had to stay locked in android:screenOrientation="portrait" mode.