This is how you print Pods field in WordPress template files. When using pods there are some snippets that I use very often I…
Latest posts - Page 9
Lady’s and gentleman we have it, we have an Open Source Laptop with open hardware. Take a look at it on Crowd Supply.
WP CLI Cannot redeclare wp_get_server_protocol
I knew something wasn’t right when I saw WP CLI Cannot redeclare wp_get_server_protocol. So I did a little research on it but it seems…
Managing WordPress plugins with WP CLI
Managing WordPress plugins with WP CLI is easier than you think. In this post I just listed some of the commands I use all…
Managing Working remotely
Managing working remotely A personal opinion. By Lehel Mátyus Challenges Ordered by priority Work environment and work habits.(the hip coffee shop working dude myth)…
Drupal custom breadcrumb for content type
Here is a Drupal custom breadcrumb for content type snippet that I used to build a nice long breadcrumb chain for a specific content…
WordPress add page slug to body CSS class
This is a life saver when it comes to theming websites. WordPress add page slug to body CSS class is a neat trick to…
WordPress list taxonomy terms from custom vocabulary
This is how you can print taxonomy terms form a custom vocabulary in the post template. WordPress print taxonomy terms from custom vocabulary.
Show WordPress font selector in text editor, wysiwyg
By default font selector is hidden. If you want to show WordPress font selector in text editor all you need to do is add…
Drupal 8 add JavaScript and CSS to a page
This is how you add Drupal 8 JavaScript and CSS to a certain page in your custom theme instead of the methods we are…